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Zukünftige Webinar

Drug delivery to the brain:
In situ gelling formulation enhances carbamazepine diffusion through nasal mucosa models with mucin.

Datum: 06.12.2023 3pm CET
Referent: Elisa Corazza

Vergangene Webinare

Effect of bacteria on viscoelastic properties of I-Mu3gel

Speaker: Natalia Suarez
Chief of R&D at Bac3gel

Practical Applications of In-Vitro Permeability in Formulation Development

Speaker: Travis Webb
Principal Scientist – Liquids-semisolids development group at CoreRx

Drug delivery to the brain: In situ gelling formulation enhances carbamazepine diffusion through nasal muscosa models with mucin

Speaker: Elisa Corazza
Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bologna

Permeability Assessment of a High-Throughput Mucosal Platform

Speaker: Cosmin Butnarasu
Ph.D. in Pharaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences
University of Turin, Italy

Commercially Available Cell-Free Permeability Tests for Industrial Drug Development: Increased Sustainability through Reduction of In Vivo Studies

Speaker: Massimiliano Pi di Cagno, PhD
Associate Professor – University of Oslo

Modulation of Paracellular-like Drug Transport across an Artificial Biomimetic Barrier by Osmotic Stress-Induced Liposome Shrinking

Speaker: Jonas Borregaard Eriksen
Ph.D. student at Boehringer Ingelheim and SDU

Human Lactobacillus biosurfactants as natural excipients for nasal drug delivery of hydrocortisone

Speaker: Elisa Corazza
Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bologna

Estimating the Oral Absorption from Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems Using an In Vitro Lipolysis-Permeation Method

Speaker: Ragna Berthelsen
Associate Professor – University of Copenhagen

In vitro tools for predicting drugs' biopharmaceutical performances in vivo

Speaker: Massimiliano Pi di Cagno, PhD
Associate Professor – University of Oslo

In vitro permeability experiments: Experimental approaches and data interpretation in practise

Speaker: Massimiliano Pi di Cagno, PhD
Associate Professor – University of Oslo

The concept of permeability in drug discovery and formulation development: A concept often misunderstood

Speaker: Massimiliano Pi di Cagno, PhD
Associate Professor – University of Oslo


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